Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Creating a front cover

28th september 2010

In my media lesson I had to create a front cover template and present it to the class. First one of the students in my class had already creating a frony page. So me and my class analysed his work to see what was good about it and what was bad. His design was light blue and black. However I criticised it because I thought the colours were dark and not appealing. So I suggested that he change the colour to something more vibrant like red for example, because red s a colour which will strike people, and because our target audience is sixth formers this is very important.

Some of the positives of his work was that the title was good. It was called "life". Another positive was that his title was bigger than the rest of the text. This is a very important feature magazines and it was good that he implemented it.

Afterwards I had to start work on my own front cover and here is a quick tmeplate of what is looks like now

Although very basic now, throughout the course of the next couple of days I will add considreble more detail.

1 comment:

  1. Nice one. Now think about the layout and then conduct a little audience research with some of your 6th form friends. It's important as you have to define your potential target audience for exam requirements.
