Tuesday, 23 November 2010

2nd draft of my front cover

Here's the second draft of my front cover. The big difference between my previous front cover is that I have changed the colour of the background. I did this because I thought that red was a bit overbearing,  and I also thought that black would suit my front cover best. So I decided to have a vote involving the people in in my class I up 6 people participated. 3 people said that they prefer the red background, and another 3 said that they like the black cover instead. What was most interesting was the the 3 people who voted  for the red background were all female, and the people who voted for the black background were all male. What this shows is the because red could be seen as a feminine colour and it generally has female connotations  females are more attracted by this colour. And black is more neutral so therefore you could argue that males would be more attracted to it. And considering the fact that my I have identified my ideal as a male I took the decision to keep the black in order to attract the reader I want.

1 comment:

  1. How did you make the decision to switch from black to red?
