Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Target audience

For my target audience I decided to target 15- 25 years old. This is becuase my music magazine is going to evolve around R n B music therefore the 15-25 age group will imediately be able to associate with it because there are more likely to listen to this type of music. Also the social class I am choosing to target  is working class and possible the middle class. This is because say for example in London there are a lot of urban youths are they live mainly in working class families. I'm also targeting the middle class because I believe that middle class people listen to a variety of music genres whether it be rock, classic etc etc. So I thought that I shouldnt leave that out. On the other hand I have decided to neglect the upper class because I think they are less likely to listen to RnB let alone perchase a magazine about it. When thinking about my target auidence I also have to consider how I appeal to them. SO this is things like the colour of the magazine. So for example colours like red and white would do well when trying to appeal to my demographic. Secondly the colours I suggested are quite neutral becuase I also have to consider that I'm not just tagerting males but I'm also targeting females. One I could possible do to attract my demographic is put a male rapper on the front cover, but then I will use the text on the side I will talk about articles in the magazine that are more female orientated. Therefore I will not be alienating any particular group. Look at the cover of the music magazine vibe, where you if you look carefully on the side in yellow text they tell the reader that there is a article about mariah carey, but yet there is a male star lil wayne on the front cover.

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