In this blog I decided to create a questionnaire that people in 6th form could fill in because I wanted to find out what they think I should include on the front cover of my magazine. And also It would give me a chance to hear what other people think of the first draft of my magazine cover.
What is your age?
15-16 16-18
What are your favourite lessons?
English Maths Science Art Geography Other
What are your hobbies?
What would you like to be included on the front cover of the magazine?
Competitions General info Pictures Gossip School curriculum Other
What colours do you want the title on the front cover to have?
Blue Red White Other
What did you like about my first draft of my front cover
What improvements do you think I should make to the first draft of my magazine cover?
I asked up to 10 students who were all in my 6th form. Although this was biased because people from the other year groups did not participate, I wanted to know what my target audience thought, and that was my main concern. Also I asked simplistic questions and kept it short so that people would want to fill it in otherwise if it was too long they might not want to participate, I know I wouldn't! In my next blog I will attempt to scan a draft of someone who completed my questionnaire.
What did I learn?
Well surprisingly when it came to what people wanted on the front cover of my magazine everyone wanted to have competitions on the front. This was good for me to find out because I had already included it on my first draft this shows that my initial ideas were in line with my target audience. .Other things that people wanted on the front cover was information on the school curriculum, this would include things like what knew and exciting things lessons will involve. I had thought to put this in at first, but I honestly thought this would make the magazine seem boring.
Also some of the questions I asked like for example "what are your favourite subjects" has been used to find out what subjects people like most and if people like one subject in particular I would include it somewhere on my contents page. And the subject that came out on top was art which received 7 votes out of ten.
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